Susan Boyle

Susan Boyle was a diamond in the rough when she stepped on the stage of Britain’s Got Talent. After showing her powerful vocals and touching the people’s hearts, her rise to stardom was inevitable. The Scottish singer achieved her dream of becoming a stage performer, and she ended up breaking records in the UK. From the beginning of her discovery, Boyle struggled with her weight, but it wasn’t until she got diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in 2012 that she decided to do her best to create change in her life.

The renowned singer’s journey to shedding off the excess pounds was definitely an uphill battle. She had a diet regimen consisting of removing sugar and working out. With her workout routine, Boyle walked two miles every day to have slow and steady progress. Lastly, Boyle successfully lost 50 pounds and took a supplement of Garcinia Cambogia, which makes one’s metabolism work faster and helps boost one’s mood. Thankfully, her investment in these routines saved her health and her life.
