You may think Jim Carrey is naturally slim, but he’s following a strict diet that will also keep him on the healthier side after his not-so-healthy lifestyle before. He has finally given up several bad vices, including sugar, for more nutritional wellbeing, and he’s now getting the rewards of his excellent diet.

In a post on Twitter, Jim reveals he’s not taking any wheat, dairy, sugar, coffee, soda, harmful substances, alcohol, or even tobacco. He now gives his diet credit for giving him clarity, contentment, youthfulness, and longevity. Though he can’t deny that it’s hard at first, it positively affects him. Jim is only eating eggs, fish, and vegetables cooked in olive oil. He also takes fruits, nuts, water, tea with honey, or Stevia as its sweetener. If he wants some snacks, he’ll go for gluten-free characters and almond butter.
