Rachel Weisz

The star of the blockbuster film, The Mummy, Rachel Weisz, is always in tip-top shape, so much so that she could never be called overweight. The Hollywood superstar has a 90-minute workout session, performed for six days a week. Through a combination of a healthy diet, body cleansing, and cardio routines, plus martial arts, she is able to successfully achieve weight loss, keeping a figure that just makes her look absolutely stunning. On top of that, Weisz works out with celebrity trainer Gregory Joujo-Roche. The actress is one of the hottest stars in Hollywood. In fact, the 50-year-old mom looks like she’s just in her early 30s.

Even though she’s intent in shedding off a few pounds, the actress refuses to go on a strict diet because then, she’d lose her curves. Weisz makes sure she eats the right food, though. Overall, the star is determined to stay motivated. Health, for her, is indeed wealth.
