Nadya Suleman

Even before we meet a person, we often make a couple of impressions about them based solely on their names. Well, first impressions can be quite important sometimes. Now with that said, it wouldn’t be too surprising to know that many of us would think of a female octopus lovingly tending to her kids when we hear the name “Octomom.”

However, as it turns out, that isn’t the case. The name Octomom was given to one mother named Nadya Suleman, who, in 2009, gave birth to octuplets – eight kids – hence the label Octomom. With that said, carrying these kids throughout pregnancy meant Suleman gained a lot of weight. At one point, she even measured up to 300 pounds! Thankfully, though, she eventually burned off as much as 145 pounds. With some of her credit card points spent on a gym membership, Suleman would exercise at least three times a week.
