Sara Rue

Sara Rue has starred in many television shows and films, but her weight loss journey is one of the well-known things about her. The Popular actress gained a lot of weight during her career, but she managed to lose a lot of weight by following a super healthy lifestyle. Rue lost 50 pounds from her investment in making a change in her diet, and she inspired many people. Because of her journey, the star got to host a show named Shedding for the Wedding.

Rue shared that she followed a strict but healthy diet. She cut down on junk food and followed a plant-based diet. The actress had an easy time following in her investment in the diet because she loved plant-based food. The regimen was not for gaining muscle, but Rue wasn’t interested in that. With all of the changes in her lifestyle and diet, she could not have done everything herself. Rue hired a dietician and a yoga instructor to guide her through her journey. Asking for help is not shameful, and Rue knew that. She shared that people should not feel guilty about having slow progress and just create mini-milestones to celebrate.
