Sophia Loren is maybe in her late 80s, but she still possesses one of Hollywood’s most beautiful faces. The crown is hers, and no one can take it from her. She has undoubtedly worked hard for it, diet and workout included, to maintain her beautiful glow, not to mention a fit body. What does she do?

Sophia has been endorsing the classic Mediterranean diet and based on her looks, it’s safe to say that it’s deemed effective. This method is only composed of eating fresh vegetables, pasta, and red wine. Who can’t say no to pasta and red wine? Not us. Sophia, however, has been proud of her body, no matter what size it is. She even said she’d rather eat pasta and drink wine than be a size zero—same, Sophia, same. Sophia seems to have a naturally slender body, credits to her genes, and a lot of women have envied her for decades.
