Many people have been following Meghan Markle’s life ever since she started to have a romance with Prince Harry, which has changed her life to an incredible degree. Now that they are married and have two kids, the Duchess of Sussex has maintained her stunning look and body, and her secrets are not hard to follow.

Markle regularly exfoliates so that her skin cell will turnover. She also massages her face to lessen the visible signs of aging. For everyday use, she opts for primer instead of a heavy foundation to let her skin breathe. Of course, everybody knows the importance of cleaning your face, and she makes it a habit, too, especially before bed.  In addition, Markle swears by the use of serum to help fend off those pesky fine lines. At 39 years old, it can’t be denied that she still looks stunning, making Prince Harry fall deeply in love with her even more every day.
