Peter Kay

Armed with a degree in media performance from the University of Stafford, Peter Kay began working part-time as a comedian. He was so good he event won the North West Comedian of the Year Award. As Kay involved himself in more projects, his public exposure improved, leading to him signing a deal with Channel 4. The network produced That Peter Kay Thing, where he was the writer and the star as well. From there, it was a smooth ride up, with many more programs taking him on.

The comedian has obviously lost a lot of weight over time, but this started when he took a break in 2018 from all his ongoing media commitments. The official reason given that time was he wanted to focus on his family first. While it is apparent he has shed some pounds, Kay never really addressed the issue of his weight publicly. We do give him props for making an effort to aim for a healthier weight range, perhaps also in consideration of his family.
