Armin Mueller-Stahl

From his troublesome start as a dropout from drama school to becoming a Hollywood movie star, German actor Armin Mueller-Stahl has undoubtedly had a wild ride throughout his personal life and his rise to stardom. Having appeared in several acclaimed Hollywood films throughout the late 80s and 90s, he has successfully gone on his well-deserved retirement. The iconic actor currently resides in his hometown of Tilsit, Germany, after spending some years living in Los Angeles.

He plans on not coming off his retirement and instead wants to focus on other personal ventures and investments, such as his passion for music and the arts. Recently, he released a CD comprised of his own written songs back in 2011. Having reached his 90s, Mueller has lived a full life of adventures and life-changing experiences. We can surely take notes from Armin when it comes to living our lives to the fullest.
