Robert Duvall

Considered one of Hollywood’s most significant actors and a legend in his own right, the Academy Award-winning actor Robert Duvall has had a career spanning 25 years filled with various critically-acclaimed films and performances. As a man with great credibility and experience tied to his name, many actors could learn a thing or two from him. Now that he’s in his late 80s and recognized to a high degree for his performances in movies such as The Godfather, Deep Impact, and The Judge.

Currently, he lives with his wife Luciana in their picturesque Georgian farmhouse, married and happily enjoying their time together as an elderly couple. His most recent acting appearance was in the film Widow, released in 2018. For his upcoming projects, he has movies such as 12 Mighty Orphans and Hustle. Fans of the actors can expect the films in 2021.
