Warren Buffett

Business tycoon and investor Warren Buffet are known to be the Chief Executive Officer of the multinational conglomerate holding company Berkshire Hathway. He is considered one of the world’s successful investors, amassing a stunning $85.6 billion in net worth and currently holding the title as the fourth wealthiest person in the world. The business mogul is also known for his philanthropy and support for causes.

In fact, he has pledged to give 99% of his fortune to all his causes through Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Despite this man’s wealth, he has kept his spending at the bare minimum and continued to live in his old house, which he made an investment in back in the 50s for only $31,500. At present, Warren continues to lead Berkshire Hathaway, which wholly or in percentage owns quite a list of big companies and creates wealth through stock market investments.
