Sidney Poitier

Sidney Poitier is undoubtedly one of the most influential figures in the black community of America. Indeed, as the first black person to ever win an Academy Award for Best Actor, he has inspired many young African American actors to follow in his footsteps. Sidney laid the foundation for the succeeding generations. Renowned actor Denzel Washington even gave Sidney credit for his success when he received an Oscar in 2002.

Poitier’s career began in 1950 for his role in the film No Way Out. Unlike many other actors who pursued a career in Hollywood for no other reason but fame, Sidney Poitier didn’t even want to become an actor in the first place. Before becoming an actor, Poitier was complacent as a dishwasher. However, one day, while looking for a job, Poitier found an ad for “actors wanted.” From there, the rest, as they say, is history.
